The Battle
Today is the day
Bush represents blind faith, the blending of religion and government. He's the
man behind the biggest deficit in US history, the man who has us in a war that
has divided the country and erased our international support. He's the man who
does not believe in a woman's right to choose or stem cell research. He's the
man who's cut moneys from more than 70% of our environmental programs and
loosened laws on emissions. It goes on and on. No one imagined it could go so
badly. Talk to anyone with military experience without an agenda and hear the
laughter about the Bush "war on terror."
Kerry has never been president so we don't know how he'll do. That's a fact.
But he can't do worse then Bush.
Vote for sanity, peace and Kerry. Vote for women's rights and science, vote for
clear seperation between church and state. Vote for the environment (Perhaps
Bush' biggest failure in the long run) and vote for someone who has some chance
of restoring at least some international support for this country.