I suspect that a nice reminder that the website had errors would have
been better than questioning their product based upon a couple
of spelling errors.
I agree on your point below that a good website will help sell a
product. I don;t agree with the rest of your points.
s/v Callista
"Wayne.B" wrote in message
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 21:54:38 -0500, "Doug Dotson"
I resemble
the remark that a small company cannot produce a qualiy product.
I didn't say that.
I said it takes a solid organization. To me that means a company with
the depth and staying power to not only produce a quality product, but
also to market it well and support it well, now and in the future.
Somtimes that takes size, sometimes not. Having an amateurish, error
ridden web site is not a good start.