"Meindert Sprang" wrote in message
"Meindert Sprang" wrote in message
So where the US.
See http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB82/press.htm
Hi Meindert, that isn't news, that has been widely known and accepted since
it was conceived. How is it perplexing to you that a country would support
the enemies of their enemies? I once lived in Germany as an exchange
student, and traveled all over Europe many times since. I have never met a
European so utterly daft about all things political as you. And this from a
supposedly educated engineer, although that could be an improper title for
your education, I'm having doubts now. You're not on a fast track to win
friends and influence Americans, I can assure you. Whether that is a concern
of yours or not, it is my goal to expose idiots wherever they crawl out from
when they insult my country and my government. Especially when spouting off
from a country my Father and Great Grandfather defeated in two world wars. I
will add for the enjoyment of the group (and to stay on topic), that my
Father, having fought across most of France and Germany also, later
commented that after knowing both, he thought we were "fighting the wrong
Jack Painter
Virginia Beach VA