Thread: Fast Sea Kayak
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Gene Cosloy
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Default Fast Sea Kayak

Well now that the election is over I'm starting to obsess over another
boat for the spring. It will be a fast sea kayak with medium amount of
stabilty so I can easily edge it to turn or correct course. My
candidates are the Valley Acuanaut, Eddyline Falcon 18, NDK
Greenlander Pro. Boats that I've liked for speed but were too stiff to
edge are the Caribou and the new Impex Outer Island which seems
incredibly fast but also incredibly stable. Other candidates which are
easy to edge but perhaps not as fast are the Gulfstream and Explorer.
Just like to know if there are others I should condider and what
people think of boats above that they may own and have personal
experience with. I currently own a Chatham 16 which excels in all
categories I can think of save speed. Oh yes stability alone doesn't
necessarily translate into difficulty to edge. Witness the Chatham 16
which can be easily turned with only a modicum of heel. Good thing too
because otherwise the boat has very strong stability.
