Give it a rest JAX. Most folks appreciate content over style.
"Folklore killer" wrote in message
Me blabbered....
in Message-id: .....
In article ,
(Folklore killer) wrote:
Then tell me where I am wrong Einstein.
All this Top Posting, Bottom Posting Crap is just that, Crap....
It is nothing more than a simple convention, that made sense, back in
the days of Dos OS's, Charactor Displays, and 300 baud Modems. It
has no relative purpose on todays Internet, with DSL, Cable, Sat,
and better connections, or even 28.8K modems, on UseNet. Why don't
you grow up and get with the Big Boys. Back in the Day, when we used
the ARPANet to read out alt.groups things were considerably different.
So take your Internet SuperCop Badge you got out of Post Tosties Box
and go back to your Sandbox and Play with you Tonka Trucks......
You're a retard. Inbreeding causes such problems.
Top posting v bottom posting has got absolutely **** all to do with modem
connection speed, operating system or anything else to do with computers.
You ****ing retard.
It has _everything_ to do with making it possible to follow a thread once
than 2 people have posted to it.
Writing from the top to the bottom of a page is "only a convention".
Driving on the correct side of the road is "only a convention"
You ****in' dickhead.
No doubt you read books backwards, or pages from the bottom, or drive on
wrong side of the road.
You myopic imbecile.
I love you
Folklore Killer