Zogby Poll: No economic rebound
It's a shame that the democrats offer no real platform of their own or
offer any viable alternatives to the path we're currently on. Their only
campaign issue is throwing mud at Bush. It's sad, truly sad.
Don't be so sad, Dave.
There's a new "campaign" issue for the Democrats just coming to light today.
I wish I lived in the home state of the brave
Republican who just fessed up that he was offered $100,000 in campaign
financing if he would drop his opposition to Bush's Medicare reform bill and
vote "yes" rather than "no". I'd vote for a guy with that kind of integrity in
a heart beat.
Apparently this guy is about to retire, and his son is going to run for his
seat. The $100k was to be given to the son's campaign. The rep was told by the
backers of Bush's bill that if he *didn't* go along and change his vote to
"yes", that the party would not only withhold the $100k bribe, but would work
to insure that his son was defeated.
This guy could afford to come forward because he *refused* the bribe. How many
others accepted the bribe and voted for Bush's bill? You can bet we won't be
hearing any complaints from them.
I'd like to see every representative that accepted money for their vote resign.
Democrats and Republicans alike. I'd like to see every cabinet level
involved with offering the bribes criminally prosecuted. If Bush was aware of
the bribes, he should be impeached.
Shall we believe this was the *only* instance? Wouldn't make sense, as the bill
passed by a comfortable margin.
Pretty sleeeeezy, guys. Y'all ought to be ashamed. Not much changes in the GOP
from one decade to the next. The GOP works hard to see that we have the best
darn government money can buy.