Weebles the anencephalic wrote:
Yep, no more mr. niceguy.
you poor stupid suckers
you have no clue what a ****-storm you've started
and as big and as bad as you _think_ you are
you aren't big or bad enough to weather what's to come
'cause what's to come is probably going to get in the way of you
enjoying your "reality" TV, pro-football and your cheap beer
think about it, the monster _you_ dumb ****s created i.e., Bin Laden
failed to strike a full blow at the head of America. I'm betting he's
going to attempt to strike at the heart next. I think living in any
major metropolitan area in the US is going to be a risky proposition for
the foreseeable future. I mean, someone stole 340 tons of plastique
from right underneath your noses. 340 tons of plastique easily hidden
on a ship sailing up the Potomac would pretty well flatten DC. God help
you poor *******s if he gets his hands on a nuke.
you see, your bid-dog attitude is getting a little old
let's review a little geopolitics shall we?
****ed off Arabs=400million USofA = not enough
Chinese who think you are flies on the wall=1.5billion USofA = not enough
Indians who won't live in poverty forever=1.0billion USofA = once again
sucking hind teat
USofA debt $1trillion (who holds the notes bonehead?)
now off you go...sail your boat
"ALways look on the bri-i-ight side of life!..."