Thread: Went boating!
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Garth Almgren
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Around 11/7/2004 9:50 PM, Calif Bill wrote:

As you boating wantabees argued politics. I took the boat out for a day on
the salt. Opening day of Dungeness Crab season.

Sweet! I could really go for some fresh crab right now...

Normally we get really
nasty weather and lose at least a week of our sport season before the
commercials get to drop their thousands of pots 2 weeks after we do. But
weather was beautiful, but big swell. About an 10-12' swell, but long
period and no wind. Ran 28-30 out to the area where I dropped my first
couple of pots. 70' and then dropped the next 3 at 100'. the 100' string
had one rock crab, no dungees. The 70' string gave me 8 legal crabs (limit

Lucky you. When the season is open, we only get to keep 6 Dungeness at a

Sadly, crabbing was closed for the season here (Everett, WA) on
September 3rd.

The people who dumped in 150' of water had to throw back extras as the
pots were stuffed. I guess the swell moved the crabs out to deeper water.

Seems pretty deep to me; our two traps only have 50' of line each.

So my crab only costs $xxx a pound. Cheaper to buy at the store.

Isn't that /always/ the case? Well worth it, though.

~/Garth - 1966 Glastron V-142 Skiflite: "Blue-Boat"
"There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing
as simply messing about in boats."
-Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows