Guess it depends on your situation & how deep your pockets are.
Mine aren't very deep so I tend to always replace the start one each year &
put the original one in place for anchor accessory use (if you know what I
mean?). Usually by then that one is just about had it from too many low
drains. (Sharking at night with lights on & music playing & mobile phone
plugged in & depth/fish sounder on etc,)
About the bilge pump bit. Once again it depends on your situation. Are you
cruising the big blue? etc, etc.
In my case I only had an ex fishing boat & had it on a mooring. Only used it
in fairly good weather to "do" the lobster pots & some fairly "heavy"
fishing trips.
While on anchor I used to isolate both batteries. (off) I also had a two way
switch so that "under way" the bilge pump ran on the "start" battery through
the big switch. (battery to battery one). Once back on the mooring I threw
the little two way one that fed power to ONLY the bilge pump. This was just
in case of a wire shorting etc, etc (or I left equipment on?)
One chap here has rigged his bilge pump so that if it starts up (auto level
start), it sends a message to his house. Rigged it up somehow through an old
CB radio to act like a kid is flipping the TX button.
ps, I reckon you got some pretty good info here but you need to now work out
the best for YOUR useage.
"GC" wrote in message
What ever you do make sure that bilge pump is ACTIVE!!!!! (get
that?........ )
Thanks for your tips 
When you say the bilge pump is ACTIVE, what do you mean by that?
directly across one of the batteries, not through the switch??
Do you think I'm better off just getting a cheapy battery for my
accessories?? So at least its new 
Thanks again!