"Ed Price" wrote in message
"Figment" wrote in message
Notice to Americans of Revocation of Independence from the Government of
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
To the citizens of the United States of America: In the light of your
failure to elect a sane President of the United States and thus to govern
yourselves with consideration for the rest of world, we hereby give
notice of the Revocation of your Independence, effective immediately .
Nice try, but a revocation can only be accomplished by the original
authors, or their heirs. BTW, we only copied you as a courtesy.
Shouldn't you blokes be working on a Northern Ireland solution first?
I'm amazed that this thread has gone on so long, it was only intended as a
bit of light relief.
I assumed people would have a sense of humour, see it for what it was, have
a laugh and then move on..