Thread: Went boating!
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Paul Schilter
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I rented a 25 foot sailboat just north of San Diego a while back. Now I
was in the Pacific before but that was in a 600 foot helicopter carrier and
the swells aren't so noticeable. Now boating in swells isn't like boating in
a chop, more like boating in rather smooth water but in hilly country. One
minute you have a beautiful hill top view where everything is below you, the
next you're in the valley with nothing but water around you, that part is a
little intimidating. Sure made me want to look around for other boats when I
was on the top. Since the sailboat didn't plow through the swells you just
sort of went with the flow. I'm not so sure how boating in a fast power boat
would differ.

"John S" wrote in message
On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 05:50:26 GMT, "Calif Bill"


As you boating wantabees argued politics. I took the boat out for a day
the salt. Opening day of Dungeness Crab season. Normally we get really
nasty weather and lose at least a week of our sport season before the
commercials get to drop their thousands of pots 2 weeks after we do. But
weather was beautiful, but big swell. About an 10-12' swell, but long
period and no wind. Ran 28-30 out to the area where I dropped my first
couple of pots. 70' and then dropped the next 3 at 100'. the 100' string
had one rock crab, no dungees. The 70' string gave me 8 legal crabs
10). The people who dumped in 150' of water had to throw back extras as
pots were stuffed. I guess the swell moved the crabs out to deeper water.
Came back to a great party on a friends 34' Luhrs where they boiled up a
bunch of crabs, ate sourdough bread and beverages of choice. Only
to the day. Had a flat on the trailer, must have been only a couple of
miles from the harbor as did not notice any problem. 3/4 T Chevy diesel
crewcab does pull nice. Tire was ruined, and spare was low on air.
Launched and changed tire and took to service station to fill it up after
crabbing. My pots were not touched but the last couple of years, there
been a lot of people poaching from others pots. And they do not even
after stealing the crabs! So my crab only costs $xxx a pound. Cheaper to
buy at the store. But was great to be out on the boat.

Um curious too. How big is your boat that you can go out into a 10-12'
swell? That would scare the dickens out of me.

John S

I would rather be boating!