Thansk for the info... That's probably it.. I hope I can find my reciept &
return all these unused zincs that aren't needed...
On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 03:50:57 GMT, m hicks wrote:
Josh Assing wrote in
I need to replace the anodes on my outdrive.
It looks like I have located these:
2 "nut" type zincs on the transom
1 "fin" type above the prop
0 behind the prop
I know there's supposed to be some on teh hydrolic rams -- but there
isn't one there now -- and I don't know where to "look" to find it.
Any clues?
Also; there's a large plate zinc under the cavetation plate -- again;
no clue as to "where" since there isn't one there to replace.
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The older Alpha outdrives don't have the ram or cavitation plate zincs (or
the one behind the prop). You can replace the bearing carrier in the lower
outdrive with one that lets you install a propshaft zinc. I've been told
to use the clamp-on type zincs for the rams. For the cavitation plate -
you'd have to drill a couple of holes (at a minimum). I keep my 1988
vintage alpha in salt water and it eats the fin zincs like candy. I put on
a Mercathode but it doesn't help much. I'm considering hanging one of
those fish zincs.
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