As a doctor with a PhD I am concerned about your mental health.
"basskisser" wrote in message
"Dr. Dr. Smithers" wrote in message
Harry can ask for a receipt and scan the receipt to put posted on a web
page. It would show if he really does contribute to worthwhile
or does he just like to talk about it.
And you could do the same with your MD and PhD degrees, too. I'll be
"JimH" wrote in message
"WaIIy" wrote in message
Well Harry, Ohio was a squeaker and much close than I expected. The
Democratic machine did a good job. If the Republicans were asleep at
the switch like they were in the last election, Kerry would have won.
You are a smart guy and already you already know that President Bush
been re-elected. If you want to wait until the Ohio provisional and
overseas ballots are counted, that's fine with me.
But...... reality creeps in, doesn't it?
In light of the election results, it looks like I have won our bet.
I hope you will accept this graciously and get on with life.
If you don't mind, please send a check to the Make-a-Wish
Foundation for $100.00 in lieu of sending it to me.
You will find the pdf file for mailing in a donation here...
You are an honorable person and I trust you will do this.
Krause is an honorable person? I doubt he will follow through on his