OT Europeans on re-election
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Dave Hall
Posts: n/a
On 8 Nov 2004 06:40:26 -0800,
(basskisser) wrote:
John S wrote in message . ..
On 5 Nov 2004 05:08:04 -0800, atl_man2@a href="" onmouseover="window.status=''; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" (basskisser) wrote:
The Europeans are wondering how 59,054,087 people can be so dumb. I
personally don't think they ALL were dumb, most are just typical
righties, in that they can't think outside of the box, and must goose
step to the party, right or wrong.
Who in their right mind wants to be like the Europeans? There is and will
always be a big difference. America has values.
John s
What to HELL makes you think that Europeans DON'T have values???
Europeans do have values. They're just wrong.
Who want's socialism? It's a society that breeds mediocrity
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