On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 09:04:57 -0500, Harry Krause
Dave Hall wrote:
Harry Krause wrote:
In most European countries, people have longer life spans, the murder
rate is lower, the crime rate is lower, fewer children die in their
youth, a much smaller percentage of the population dies in prison, there
are far fewer homeless, and so forth and so on, ad infinitum.
We have greater wealth, greater opportunities, more satisfying
rewards, and the highest standard of living on the planet.
Europeans have a higher quality of life, and your counter is that there
are more opportunities to become obscenely wealthy here? That's your
Oh...and we do not have the highest standard of living on the planet.
Define "quality". I'm sure, like in most of your other opinions, it is
highly subjective. I would still rather be the maker of my own
destiny. I do not want the government interfering in it in any way. I
will live and die by the actions of my own choosing, not what some
socialist government thinks is "best" for me.