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Short Wave Sportfishing
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Default Marine heating...

The more I get into designing the new interior of this '68 Chris Craft
Corsair I want to turn into a winter boat, the more I get to wondering
about different things. One of which was brought home this morning as
I took the dogs out for exercise.

Having arthritis, cold isn't my friend. Adding to that, I don't enjoy
the cold all that much - never have. I tolerate it, but I don't like
it. Therefore, it is paramount in a winter boat to have....


My thought was to pull heat off the engine much like the radiator
system in a car. The way the design is developing, there will be an
interior cabin of a sort or at least a place where one could get out
of the wind, rain, etc. Think of a Parker/Steiger type pilot house
without the adjoining cuddy space. This is where I would put the
heating unit.

I'm just not sure this is a valid way of heating this small space.

Any thoughts?


"Angling may be said to be so
like the mathematics that it
can never be fully learnt..."

Izaak Walton "The Compleat Angler", 1653