On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:26:51 GMT, Short Wave Sportfishing
My thought was to pull heat off the engine much like the radiator
system in a car. The way the design is developing, there will be an
interior cabin of a sort or at least a place where one could get out
of the wind, rain, etc. Think of a Parker/Steiger type pilot house
without the adjoining cuddy space. This is where I would put the
heating unit.
Small commercial fishing boats have been using engine coolant heating
in the cabin for a long time. There are a lot of variables. For
example, the closed cooling side of a FWC engine will typically have
the highest available temperature (160 to 170 F), but a raw water
engine wouldl have a lower coolant temperature.
My former Bertram 33 had a full flybridge enclosure (lots of
protection but somewhat drafty). We used to run in cold weather
using just a 1500 watt electric heater. It was comfortable in
temperatures down into the 30s. You could do something similar with a
lightweight Honda generator on the back deck. They are very quiet and
it would have other uses. I'd get a battery operated CO detector for
the cabin in any case.