"BrianR" wrote in message news:418f3d43$0$758
To the citizens of the United States of America:
Shouldn't you blokes be working on a Northern Ireland solution first?
I'm amazed that this thread has gone on so long, it was only intended as a
bit of light relief.
I assumed people would have a sense of humour, see it for what it was,
have a laugh and then move on..
Great idea Brian.
Next time you see a thread that needs limiting, you could really help us all
by immediately posting a reply limit. What do you think best, limiting the
number of reply levels, or some kind of cut-off after a certain number of
posters have become involved?
Maybe you could go even further, assigning a posting limit to individual
Usenet posters. I guess the only practical way to do this would be to
regulate Usenet by issuing Participants' Licenses. Of course, as the
administrator, you would need unlimited posting rights.