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Doug Dotson
Posts: n/a

SOunds like a step up since there are no fiberglass trap verticals
for recreational boats as far as I can tell.

Doug, k3qt
s/v Callista

"Doug" wrote in message

"Bruce in Alaska" wrote in message
In article ,
"Doug Dotson" wrote:

I supose that one could make a trap-vertical to avoid a tuner, but
I've never seen one for marine bands. I do recall a version of the
OutBacker that was for marine use but have never known anyone
that had one.

Doug, k3qt
s/v Callista

Morad Electronics of Seattle has been making Trapped Verticles for
4-22Mhz for years. They were pioneered by Ed Zanbergen back in
the late 60's, and have been a fixture in the North Pacific Commercial
Fleet ever since.

Bruce in alaska
add a 2 before @

You beat me to it. I had time to go to the Morad site today, only to find
is down to a one page "under construction" page right now. While
their sales literature in our files, I was called out on a repair, so I
didn't have time to post here until now. I did not see the trap marine
vertical in their current price sheet, but I bet they still make them. You
can't go into a commercial fishing port in the Pacific NW without seeing
least one, and sometimes three Morad trap vertical antennas, some with
capacity hats on the fishing boats. They make an excellent VHF marine
antenna also, and even a 2 meter ham band variation. This is also a
commercial fishing and tug boat standard in this area. It mounts on a 1"
pipe and is very rugged. Definitely a step up from fiberglass recreational
boat whips.
Doug K7ABX