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Short Wave Sportfishing
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On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 08:24:57 -0500, Eisboch

Harry Krause wrote:

I'm sorry...but $30+ a foot to lay vinyl sheet goods? Are they using
off-shift plastic surgeons?

I had my living, dining roon and hallway done in top-of-the-line Bruce
oak strip flooring for $6.00 a square foot, installed. My wife's
bathroom is floored in Italian marble, which was about $21.00 a square
foot, installed.

I'm not poking fun at you fellas...I've been taken to the cleaners
myself many times in connection with boat stuff...


BTW, I am not defending my decision - hell, it' my boat, but as I
mentioned before, the technique of application is as important as the
qualities of the product. There's a little artistic capability required
for a good looking installation. I have an engine room access hatch in
the cockpit plus fuel fills and drains. When they install this stuff
there is a bit of detailed trim design that goes into the work.

Would you believe the T-top on my Contender cost less than the labor
to install it?

