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Eisboch wrote:
No, I haven't been on board yet. They do allow it, but only in limited

I hope you get the opportunity. It's very cool, an eye opening
experience, and one that will bring you closer. One of the high points
of my life was when my father stood in the engine room of our ship as we
stood out to sea (only for a brief training exercise) and rang up full

... As to what he does, I'd rather not say, mainly because I am not
100 percent sure. I know he is attached to an air squadron that flies
mini versions of an AWAC type airplane.

One of these, I bet
These are old planes, like the F-14... but also like the F-14 there is
nothing in the world to match them.

I don't think there is much public appreciation for the strategic "ace
in the hole" the U.S. has in our carrier battle groups. A single carrier
has more air power than most nations' entire air force. And that air
power can be projected several hundred miles inland. It's expensive, but
worth it IMHO.

Fair Skies
Doug King