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Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:

Maybe I've told this before, but I've actually landed on one. My
oldest boy is a Marine fighter jockey and arranged it with one of this
Navy buddies. He and I came aboard on a COD - it was a thrilling ride
out from shore to the carrier. The pilot let me sit in the observer
jump seat so I could see out the windscreen.

We went back on a helo. I really wanted to launch, but it was a fun
trip anyway.



Eisboch JR. launched off the Truman last June. The carrier was on a
training cruise and he had to go back to Norfolk for another school.
He launched in a twin engine turbo prop that they use to deliver mail.
He called me that night and was still excited about the whole thing.
0 to 145 mph in 2 seconds due to the catapult.

I'd give my left nut to do that.
