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Short Wave Sportfishing
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On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 15:53:00 -0500, DSK wrote:

Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
The thing that amazed me is just how BIG these things are. If you
stand on the bow and look stern, it just seems to fall off the
horizon. Amazing.

It's also incredible how big they look from the water... on a small boat
or another (inevitably smaller) ship.

But they shrink to looking very small indeed when you're approaching
from the air.

Before we went, my son told me to watch for two things when we were
landing. The first one was the optical illusion that you are speeding
up (speed transition) the closer you get to the ship and just how fast
it goes from model boat size to gigantic humongous size.

He was right on both counts. I can't really describe it in words - it
was like floating and floating a little faster and wham, all of a
sudden the BIG deck and you think your going a zillion miles an hour.

Going from about 90 knots to zero was pretty thrilling too. :)

