Thread: 2 or 4 stroke?
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Default 2 or 4 stroke?

Thanks for pointing out the trolling issue. Trolling is NOT a normal
operation for me on the Texas flats where the boat would be used. If it
were, it certainly would change my outlook.

Please keep the comments coming and thanks to all of you. RichG

"Greg" wrote in message
50hp is 50hp. 4 strokes are heavier. 2 strokes burn more gas and need

Both are now pretty complicate

The Honda 4 stroke is about the same weight as a 2 stroke but with that

said I
agree with the first poster. This guy would probably be as happy with a 2
stroke. 2 strokes are usually the best choice for guys who use the

throttle as
a switch. (off or wide open)
If he added trolling to his list of requirements I would say 4 stroke

they are a lot better at low RPMs