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K. Smith
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Eisboch wrote:
K. Smith wrote:

Losta boat?? did I hear lobsta boat??? Oops sorry John my auto
tracking system painted you in error, apologies again:-)

But we can probably expect a brand new Krause "my father" story, I
feel yet another fire tug welcome into NY harbour???? or maybe his
father's biggest dealership in the NE sold the navy that particular
boat???? maybe nuclear fichts all across the stern??? maybe that's why
they melt down or have been melted down?? it's all maybes really the
vagaries of medication mean his mind can't be predicted; coming to a
NG near you:-)

Well done eisboch you must & should be proud of him, best thoughts
for his return & thanks from all in the coalition.

Just hope mum doesn't buy 'him" his own boat also:-)


Isn't it just downright refreshing to get off the politics and back to
our regularly scheduled programming? :-)

Thanks for your best wishes for the kid, K.


It certainly is & thanks to the news servers who have finally started
deleting the anons & hopefully will soon get the x no archivers also.

I love Mrs E:-) over the years you've mentioned lots about her & she's
got ingredient X, you're a lucky man, probably well deserved I know, but

We have a family here who have 2 GBs a 42 & 36, while they both look
magnificent underway (the 42 doesn't even lift it's bow, just throws a
destroyer like ever bigger bone in it's teeth) the 36 with it's
uninterrupted sheer line is by far the prettiest when they're moored up.

The 42 regularly goes up to our barrier reef, what is a big deal 3mths
trip for the rest of us is just a quick month away for them. We oft talk
about the fuel they must use???

All the best