Thread: 2 or 4 stroke?
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Default 2 or 4 stroke?

50hp is 50hp. 4 strokes are heavier. 2 strokes burn more gas and need

Both are now pretty complicate

The Honda 4 stroke is about the same weight as a 2 stroke but with that

said I
agree with the first poster. This guy would probably be as happy with a 2
stroke. 2 strokes are usually the best choice for guys who use the

throttle as
a switch. (off or wide open)

I think this would be an good application for the new Evinrude E-TEC 50hp
outboard. It has the smoothness, quietness and smoke-free operation of a
4-stroke along with the acceleration and performance of a 2-stroke. The best
part is that it does not need the extra maintenance and expense that a 4
stroke requires. They are available now, come with a full 3 year warranty,
and in-field reports are very favorable. Check out the web
site for info and specs.

Bill Grannis
service manager