In article ,
Harry Krause wrote:
CCred68046 wrote:
Is this where we are heading? Fear of showing a classy movie that
depicts the doggedness and bravery of our soldiers during World War II?
Its obvious. They could show that movie, its been on TV before. And it could
have been edited for television easily.
I remember the movie well. I saw it in the theaters and I recall seeing
it on HBO, I believe. There's no reason to "edit" it for television, and
I believe ABC's deal with the studio forbids deletions.
What would you edit? The "cuss words"? They are integral to the movie.
The movie is violent, but no more so than other movies on television.
There's something else going on here.
Spielberg does not permit editing of his movies "for content." To get a
license from him to broadcast his films you must not do that.
The "F word" is used some 40ish times in the film. It is not legal to use
the "F word" on broadcast television during prime-time viewing hours.
That it has been done before and gotten away with doesn't change a thing.
People get away with smoking crack and selling drugs every single day. This
does not make it ok to smoke crack or sell drugs. It just means that it was
done that time the person(s) who did it didn't get caught.
PS: I own it on DVD. Its an excellent film, but IMHO, not suitable for
prime-time broadcast on television.
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