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Karl Denninger
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In article ,
Eisboch wrote:

Jim wrote:
"We were not far from a point where naked people and graphic violence
would have been flashed on prime time TV, where children and other
people would be subject to it."

Now are the restraint devices in front of your tv leather or chains? I
was just wondering the comfort level of the children and people in your
household while they are "Forced" to watch these shows.

Come to think of it I don't like spinich. So be a dear and go throw
yours out.

Bottom line if ya don't like it don't watch it. The tv execs would not
put anything on the does not make a profit. They only put shows on that
the majority wants to see. If a show offends you CHANGE THE CHANNEL that
is your right but don't try to come into my house and steal my remote.

I am curious. It's been a long, long time since Mrs. E and I spent a
couple of years living in Europe (Italy, but we traveled around a bit).
Have the generally accepted rules of morality, acceptance of what is
decent what is not and viewpoints on issues like gay marriages changed
much in Europe in the past 30 years or so? Are countries in Europe
arresting an increasing number of pedophile priests? Or is the US
atypical in having debates and problems with these issues?

I know what it was like there 30 years ago. I just wonder if the rest of
the world is going through all this BS.


Pedophilia in the pristhood has been going on for a LOT longer than 30
years, and it is just as bad (if not worse) in Europe than it is/was here.

The difference is that far fewer people go to prison and get sued out of
existence for that behavior in Europe, and it is more often buried "under
the rug" where nobody talks about it - but its still going on.

Karl Denninger ) Internet Consultant & Kids Rights Activist My home on the net - links to everything I do! Your UNCENSORED place to talk about DIVING! SPAM FREE mailboxes - FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME! Musings Of A Sentient Mind