Thread: Some of you...
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Harry Krause
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Gould 0738 wrote:
Liberals definitely have a strong case of the fuglies. And they wonder why
they can't get a job!

You take the trophy for the most dim-witted statement of the week, NOYB.

Liberals come in all shapes and sizes, just like people who aren't liberal.

Come to think of it, most Hollywood movie stars are pretty liberal. Do you
consider those folks "fugly"?

It is mildly funny that Herring spent most of his work career hiding out
in the military and the rest of it faking being a substitute teacher,
and yet claims that liberals "can't get a job." Most of the liberals I
know have done far more with their lives in terms of societal and
personal acocmplishment than Herring.

A passing thought:

.... Hero-worship: Idol gossip.