"Gould 0738" wrote in message
You take the trophy for the most dim-witted statement of the week, NOYB.
Liberals come in all shapes and sizes, just like people who aren't
Come to think of it, most Hollywood movie stars are pretty liberal. Do you
consider those folks "fugly"?
Do you believe that those who live outside the city limits come in all
shapes and sizes or are they all the same? " Ah yes, Suburbia. Where
everybody lives on a dead end street.
Suburbanities endure private "covenants" requiring them to conform to the
neighbors, so that when it is time to paint the cloned house (with the
cloned landscaping) any thought of individual expression is squelched in
favor of the "public
good." Suburbia, the fantasy consumption neighborhood where the economy
produces nothing and the SUV is a god. Suburbia is a land of economic
imperialism- all wealth and resources in Suburbia are extracted from some
remote area
(the city to which all commute). Suburbia, the primarily lilly white land
cultural conformity."
Is it possible that you might have stole the prize from NYOB?