On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 10:28:11 -0500, Jack Erbes
The sounds are in sound files played by the system and over the
soundboard. Sounds are not generally embedded in the soundboard itself.
Since you have some interest in this kind of thing, take a look on my
at cpOnWatch. It's a software implementation of a watchtimer, but you
probably don't care about that. It's got 8 navy-related sound files,
2 of which may be identical to yours. I got them in various places on
the net, so I make no claims on them, copyright or otherwise. The
program itself is freeware and the soundfiles are in a directory where
you can find them easily after install. My favorite is the GQ call.
__________________________________________________ __________
Glen "Wiley" Wilson usenet1 SPAMNIX at world wide wiley dot com
To reply, lose the capitals and do the obvious.
Take a look at cpRepeater, my NMEA data integrator, repeater, and
logger at