Thread: Proud Dad
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Don White
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"Eisboch" wrote in message
Don't think so. The Truman was commissioned in 1998. It was followed by
the USS Ronald Reagan and Congress has recently approved the building of
the USS George H.W. Bush. All are nuclear powered Nimitz class carriers.

My son-in-law spent 3 of his 4 years in the Navy stationed on the USS
Saipan. As you pointed out it is a smaller, conventionally powered
carrier for Marine helicopters and Harrier jets that can launch and land


Must have been the Teddy Roosevelt. The nukes anchor out in the 'stream'
rather than tie up as the Coral Sea, Intrepid, Wasp, Essex etc..did for
years. Every summer it was a hilight to see the carriers come in. I grew up
about two city blocks from pier 20-21 where the early ones docked. That pier
is now used by the cruise liners...including the new Queen Mary 2.