"Jack Erbes" wrote in message
Jack Painter wrote:
That was "Jack Erbes in Ellsworth Maine" (skimmer puke ;-)
"Jack Painter in Virginia Beach" (Submariner) sends:
I was not a skimmer puke, I was a spook. And a NQP.
One of the joys of being a spook was being able to sample life in many
different areas of the Navy. It gave you a chance to experience hours
of boredom and moments of terror in many different environments. :)
I will verify Jack Erbes was a dit-happy spook. We crossed paths years ago.
I was in the fix-it side of the spook field. When guys like Jack spilled
coffee or coke into the equipment (teletype machines were their favorite it
seemed), and the device failed to function normally after this kind of bath,
they would yell "Mat man" for a repair guy. Mat really was short a
"material" man, but I always found it was followed by the phrase "something
is the matter...". Repeat offenders were usually threatened with an "op aid"
aka hammer rap to the fingers.
Doug CTMCS USN (Retired), K7ABX