I draw 4'8" with a powerboat (meaning that hitting bottom is a $10,000
problem instead of a 6 hour problem) We have cruised everwhere on the
Hawks side from Miami to Garden Key. Our favorite spots are Key
Largo-Penecamp area (due to the excellent diving and snorkeling withing
5 miles of shore... OK by dingy in most weather)
Islamorada Sand bar (Dingy only... just outside of holiday isle...
BTW... don't try Holiday Isle on anything but the highest of tides and
hug the south side of the channel)
Hawk's Cay area
Looe Key area
garden Key (Fort Jefferson) (one day run from Key West)
WillT wrote:
My charts show 12 to 20 feet in Hawk Channel. What am I missing?
We went to the Abacos last Winter. It doesn't look like there are more
problems depth-wise in the Keys than the Cays. It doesn't look like there
are many nice places to tuck into if a storm comes up though either...