Try the anchorage at Bahia Honda Park just SW of Marathon
You can anchor and dinghy into the park for a look around.
Newfound Harbor a bit further SW
Hawks Cay resort is nice but check with them on your depth. Go in at
high tide.
Greg Ha!n
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 21:17:42 -0500, Ed wrote:
Send me your email address and I will forward an Excel spread sheet with
dive and snorkel spots.
ed xx @ xx estrobel xx . xx com (remove the x's)
WillT wrote:
Islamorada Sand bar (Dingy only... just outside of holiday isle... BTW...
don't try Holiday Isle on anything but the highest of tides and hug the
south side of the channel)
Hawk's Cay area
Looe Key area
garden Key (Fort Jefferson) (one day run from Key West)
FINALLY! Good advice - thank you.
We're a powerboat too and I'm planning on going to Dry Tortugas as you
Any other spots? Nothing around Marathon?