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"Figment" wrote in message
"Jack Erbes" wrote in message
BrianR wrote:
Try Oziexplorer, I use it on my Laptop linked to a Garmin GPS and find
very good. I use it with charts I've scanned myself (bmp) you can
update the charts using a graphics package like Paint Shop Pro.
Hope this helps,
Are you using the trial version and doing all that with it?
According to the Ozi Explorer web page the trial version has some
limitations compared to the purchased version, more info on the
limitations he
But, as the Ozi people recommend, it is a good idea to get the trial
version working before purchasing unlock codes.
To the question asked, SeaClear II is freeware now. And it is very good
IMHO, a generous donation to the public domain.
SeaClear supports BSB/KAP and GEO/NOS charts now. It is unfortunate
it does not support S-57 or ENC charts. Maybe it will eventually.
Jack Erbes in Ellsworth, Maine, USA - jacker at midmaine dot com
I started with the trial version, but now use the full version.
The main difference is that the trial version uses 3 calibration points
chart, the full version 9.
I looked at SeaClear but didn't consider as good as OziExplorer, could be
because I'm used to Ozi.
I've used both, and I'm afraid Seaclear doesn't even start to compare with
Ozi. Have used Ozi for about 4 years now, and am still discovering new
features I didn't know existed. I can take an British "Admiralty" chart and
improve it out of all recognition using the facilities in Ozi. Hovever, many
users give up the ghost before they've even tried it.
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