"Capt. NealŪ" wrote:
Dear LP,
You spurned me, you uppity wench, so I had no thought for you
in my journeys.
Oh please! I have two teenage males...how could you deal with that?
I use hotmail for my e-mail now as I needed an
internet based service which is available anywhere where the
Internet is.
No problem, I do the same thing...you forget that I have current passorts
for me and my two wonderful sons...
As for sharks eating me, that was no longer a problem once
I sailed away from your lies and games.
Oh, please tell me what my sins are so I can repent. You asked me to sail
away with you, but I'm a repulicaton women of intergrity!
If ever you wish to
bask in my company again, all I need from you is an apology
Well, I will definetly apologze if you think for one minute that I "dissed
That wasn't the case at all, I have to teenage souls that I'm responsible
and perhaps a little in-person begging for mercy while clad
only in a black lace teddy with matching thong bottom.
Sorry, I'm saving that for a man that is worthy of my affection...
Not to say that you are not, but I've been screwed so many times by men that
I'm definite weary. I would rather live my life single than get a man that
is so self-absorbed and selfish...