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Flying Tadpole
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Lady Pilot wrote:

"Flying Tadpole" wrote:

Lady Pilot wrote:

"Flying Tadpole" described the following:

Lady Pilot wrote:

I'm shocked! Neal left on New Years day in 2004. He never gave us a
progress report. I thought the sharks ate him.

I tried to e-mail him a couple of months ago and his e-mail was

Now Taddy has found me despicable! What shall I do know?

LP (can Peter Wiley give me a job on his ship?)

Dear Madame Vinyl,

Others may find you despicable, wanting, lacking, argumentative,
fast, high-flying etc etc, but I can't even find you in the first

Oh dear, I feal so bad now!

So why blame me for the adjective? Why? Why? Where have I

I don't know, honestly, Taddy. I guess because I was gone for a few
and I finally answered a few of your posts and you never replied.

Oh Mme V, now _I_ feel bad about it. I've hardly been here, you
see, having got a life briefly, and the 2000 posts awaiting each
time I looked in were too much for me. But now I'm back in a
suicidal frame of mind, I will keep a more careful lookout at
least for the next week!

Well, I can sympathize with you. Are you really MC? I would have never
thought that I could like someone and despise someone at the same time!

Oz says, one of the three twins. Someone is going to be left out in this
declaration. Oz, Peter, Nav, and Flying Tapdole.

Which piece of the puzzle doesn't work?


You'd be able to work that out with a quick Google, but I'll save
you the trouble. AFter I created the MC character, Oz got
jealous, and felt that he too needed a foil, especially to beat
Neal with. So eventually he brought into being the wily Wiley
puppet, cunningly disguising his occasional Sydney-centric slips
by providing a fake Sydney-resident past for the Peter persona.
The Wiley's Tasmanian location was a stroke of genius, I must
admit, allows posting in the same time zone without the
complicaitons I have to go through (and the early morning rising
needed to maintain the MC persona). The antarctic expeditions
were another stroke of genius (it pains me to admit all this, of
course) because it allows Oz to take long holidays without having
to bother with the Wiley puppet, wheras I can't really let the MC
stop, as it would look suspicious. Anyway, I'm very jealous of
Oz, because he makes his Wiley puppet put things much more
succinctly than I seem to be achieving with the MC puppet, which
perhaps is past its use-by date.

So there's most of the puzzle. I leave it to you to spot the
third twin, though. A hint: all three twins are subjects of a

(I must stop signing my FT posts MC and my MC posts FT, or even
the slower members of the newsgroup will start wondering.)

CHeers! oops, I mean...
Flying Tadpole

Learn what lies below the waves of cyberspace!
===Now with Vocals!!===(it'll be singing next!)
and other music at