Thread: The Boat name
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K. Smith
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Eisboch wrote:
After two weeks of deliberations, Mrs. E. just came in the room and
announced her decision on the name of her Grand Banks.


de-coded it is:

JSJ - first initial of our three kids, Janice, Steven, John.

AME - Mrs's E's initials, AnnaMarie Eriksson

ERIK - obvious reference to last name.

RI - Fleeting reference to me, Richard.

KA - first initial of each of our daughters-in-law, Kim and Alexis.

Only a woman could dream this one up.


It's not bad & at least creative:-)

So; I assume it's a done deal?? her bottom checked out OK :-) when does
it become hers?? It'll a take a little longer to get to Florida but be a
much more enjoyable trip this winter. It's always the getting there
rather than the destination & the slower you travel the more you enjoy
the trip itself, all the little places to explore.