Thread: The Boat name
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K. Smith
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Eisboch wrote:
K. Smith wrote in message

It's not bad & at least creative:-)

So; I assume it's a done deal?? her bottom checked out OK :-) when does
it become hers?? It'll a take a little longer to get to Florida but be a
much more enjoyable trip this winter. It's always the getting there
rather than the destination & the slower you travel the more you enjoy
the trip itself, all the little places to explore.


Yep, done deal. Survey was fine, no major problems. Official closing takes
place on Tuesday, next week.

Congrats to Mrs E & you, you'll get so much enjoyment from hers, well done.

Neither boat will be going to Florida, at least not this year. I came very
close to taking the Navigator south again a month ago, but bad weather and
other issues put that trip on the back burner. So, both boats will be tucked
away for the winter and we'll drive to Florida.

I suppose it's too cold there for some winter short trips??? Whatever
Mrs E will be hanging out to get back to her boat:-)

