"katysails" wrote:
I've asked you repeatedly to not gay up threads I've started. I consider
that rude, intemperate, and antagonistic. I am offended by it. If you
haven't figured that out by now, then so be it. Plenty of others are scik
of it, too. A jibe once in a while is funny, but your persistence is
anmnoying and thoughtless. I consider your continuing to gay things up in
threads as being a provacative act. Too bad you're too blind to see it.
I totally agree, as do a few others in this newsgroup.
I also took great offense at your calling LP a dyke and telling her to F
off....You do not know her.
Thank you Katy. I've put Jon in the kill file so many times, but Jon
figured out that Outlook filters by e-mail addresses, so I have to do it
I don't have time anymore to read the newsgroups, so I have to drop some
people in there for time conservation. The only time I read Jon's posts is
when he morphs his e-mail or someone else takes the time to respond to him.
I tried to have a decent conversation with him, but when he opposed my
personal views, he started with the childish name calling. What Jon doesn't
realize is that I really don't care what he says to or about me.