In article ,
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Capt._Neal=AE?= wrote:
Booby says he buys boat after boat because they are stepping stone
to something better.
When you constantly choose the very worst boats anything is better.
Let's see first there was that crummy Cat 27 with the Star Wars name
of Yoda. Then came Ghost - a thoroughly decadent piece of garbage.
After that, Alien, a larger version of Ghost and even more pathetic.
What's next? Probably a Morgan Out Island 43 which Booby will
call Poop Chute. (and Gaynz will clamor for a ride.)
Nelly sure is interested in all things gay. He keeps mentioning
it. Perhaps he's tired of his cat.
Jonathan Ganz (j gan z @ $ail no w.c=o=m)
"If there's no wind, row."