( OT ) The US Today
"Hitler rose to his position as the "Leader" of Germany with the support
of three major elements
in German society: big business, which was won over by Hitler's
covert promise to break the labor unions;
the defense industry and the military, which responded to Hitler's
call for disregarding the restrictions on
German military buildup imposed by the treaty that ended World War I;
and rural religious conservatives.
Hitler won over this last group with his appeals to their feelings of
defeated, yet resurgent nationalism;
and with his hateful condemnations of those of their fellow citizens
at the top of their personal enemies list:
communists, homosexuals and Jews.
Substituting "Muslims" for "Jews," this is today's Republican Party,
which now controls all three branches
of the federal government, most of the nation's governorships, and
perhaps most importantly, the major media
(now owned by a handful of corporations). America has lost its
democratic republic to a system of one-party imperial fascism."
--Michael Hasty, "21st Century American Revolution",