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"DSK" wrote in message
.. .
Hitler won over this last group with his appeals to their feelings of
defeated, yet resurgent nationalism;
and with his hateful condemnations of those of their fellow citizens at
the top of their personal enemies list:
communists, homosexuals and Jews.

Substituting "Muslims" for "Jews,

NOBBY wrote:
One slight difference, dumbass...
Jews didn't blow up buildings in downtown Berlin

Neither did Iranians.

Iranians? When I read back what Jim wrote, it clearly says: "substituting
*MUSLIMS* for Jews". I don't see anything about Iranians (although they
have a nasty habit of using radical Islamic terrorist groups as mercenaries
to wage war against the West).

.... and Jews didn't behead Germans on national TV.

Maybe because TV wasn't invented yet... once the shooting started, the
Jewish underground commited all sorts of terrible deeds... I suggest you
read up a little on the fighting in the Warsaw ghetto.

Ahhhh. So the Jewish underground committed terrorist attacks against the
Germans, thus precipitating the killing of 6 million Jews by the Nazis as
retaliation? The Jews brought it on themselves? Thanks for that little
known tidbit of info. My 8th grade history book must have been written by
those evil Jews...because that chapter seems to have been missing.

Try to at least restrain your ignorance, if you can't reduce it a little
bit... expecially before you go around calling other people "dumbass" just
because they disagree with your stupid opinions.

He compared the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany to our fight with
radical Islamic terrorists. Sorry, but that makes him a dumbass...and your
defense of his position makes you a bigger dumbass.