Florida Keyz wrote:
I have an auto helm, and latley it has been wandering, back and forth. Any
sujjestions on how to correct this?
Thanks, in advance
It would help if you told us what brand and model, and how much
wandering are you talking about?
I assume you've gone through the manual looking at all of the
adjustments possible. My Autohelm 4000+ wanders a bit in rough seas -
it has rudder sensitivity adjustments, although only two settings are
possible (response levels 1&2) without going in the setup mode.
If you're talking about major wandering, check out the compass. On my
old boat I put the compass under the forward cabin. However, my boat
shoes have a metal shank, so if I walked in the cabin (or if a shoe was
rolling around) the boat would suddenly veer off course.
A friend had a worse case of that - workmen unmount the compass and left
it lying in the bilge. On their first long trip the compass started
rolling around, cause the boat to do spontaneously do circles!