too much biobor?
I screwed up this weekend. I was going to fuel my boat. It has 3 tanks.
The main tank is 200 Gallons and the 2 auxillary tanks are 50 gallons each.
I had fueled the aux tanks previously and added the appropriate ammount of
Biobor. I used the boat this weekend and burned fuel from the main tank,
since it had no Biobor in it and I wanted to add some when I topped off the
tank. I had planned to add the Biobor prior to putting in the diesel fuel.
Well...I'm embarrassed to say that I put it in the wrong tank. I added 7
ounces of Biobor ( enough to treat 200 gallons) to a 50 gallon tank that was
previously treated with Biobor and was full, so I couldn't even put fuel on
top of it to stir it up.
Do I need to panic? I emailed the manufacturer of Biobor, but it's been
several days now and I still have no reply.