On Thu, 02 Dec 2004 05:17:59 GMT, "Robert" wrote:
I screwed up this weekend. I was going to fuel my boat. It has 3 tanks.
The main tank is 200 Gallons and the 2 auxillary tanks are 50 gallons each.
I had fueled the aux tanks previously and added the appropriate ammount of
Biobor. I used the boat this weekend and burned fuel from the main tank,
since it had no Biobor in it and I wanted to add some when I topped off the
tank. I had planned to add the Biobor prior to putting in the diesel fuel.
Well...I'm embarrassed to say that I put it in the wrong tank. I added 7
ounces of Biobor ( enough to treat 200 gallons) to a 50 gallon tank that was
previously treated with Biobor and was full, so I couldn't even put fuel on
top of it to stir it up.
Do I need to panic? I emailed the manufacturer of Biobor, but it's been
several days now and I still have no reply.
I don't think so. The MSD shows it's fairly volatile stuff, so an
over dose shouldn't effect the ignition properties of the fuel.
A quick Google search over a whole group of different sites say
nothing about over dose other than using one to initially treat the
So based on that, I'd say you were pretty safe.
Until the hydrocarbon based microbes get really ****ed off that is.
Then all bets are off.
Revenge of the Blob anyone? :)