Receiver sensitivity
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Bruce in Alaska
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(BOEING377) wrote:
Lets hear nominees for the VHF rcvr hall of fame. Two votes I'd make are early
Motorola Modar, their 12 ch xtal controlled and the first full channel synth
(can't remmeber model no. something like 55/75) . These were hot rcvrs and had
GREAT intermod rejection, would work just fine in urban harbor environments
where pager xmtrs would clobber all other marine VHFs. One other vote is an
unsual combo, the Kenwood R 5000 rcvr with the factory VHF converter. Red hot
sensitivity and low noise. Could actually hear comms that were unintelligable
on other sets using the same antenna.
I'll second that vote for the Modar's. We still have a pile of those
rigs kicking around the North Pacific fishing fleet, and they are
coveted as if they were Gold. Unfortunatly there are VERY few techs
that still work on those, and the spare parts are getting fewer all the
time. I have a 55/75 with dual receivers in my house as a Limited Coast
Base Station, and it has the .0002 tolerance mod for Coast Station use.
They are one of the best VHF's, ever made. The SEA156 comes in a close
Second, in my opinion, I have one of those as well.
Bruce in alaska
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