On Sat, 4 Dec 2004 16:33:14 +0000, David Pocock
I realise this is a big ask but if anyone has the time and knowledge I
would be very interested to hear from them. It is the EMV 1125 meter and
there is a two page data sheet available from this page.
You're going to need some really expert help with this. The EMV1125
is a generic digital panel meter which has been designed to do many
different things depending on how it is connected. There is an
example in the application notes of how to hook it up to a current
shunt but it is very sketchy (lacking in details), and it looks like
additional external components are required if I'm reading it
correctly. I'd advise calling their support number and explain the
specifics of your application. One thing you need to know in advance
is the millivolts per amp rating of your current shunt. The
calibration of the EMV1125 will have to be adjusted to that number in
order to get an accurate reading.