Meet Wally, NOYB, K. Smith & Other Fav Righties...
Harry Krause wrote:
John Gaquin wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
The real question is why didn't you and some other members of the
Konservatrash element jump on Dave for his belief that those who are
sick and impoverished should be left out to die, because society would
be better off without them.
I never saw such a post. I saw reference to some sentiment like it, but
never the actual post. Can you give me a reference?
Give you a reference? No, John, I didn't save Dave Hall's obnoxious
post. But he made it, and several people here commented on it.
It's one of the reasons why I believe there is no purpose served
"engaging" right-wing trash in discussion. What's the point, where you
have an ass like Dave Hall who thinks if you are poor and sick, you
should just crawl somewhere and die.
If you are unwilling to provide for yourself, then it should not be
society's place to take up the slack for your failings.
I'm waiting for you to prove otherwise.